Questions to ask someone before they die
Communication is key in all relationships and with limited time as well as many decisions to be made, end of life is an especially important time to talk all the big things through and ask lots of questions.
As someone nears the end, you may like to record them sharing a favourite story or anecdote. Audio and video of a loved one can be comforting after they are gone.
Some questions to consider:
Practical questions:
How can I best support you during this time?
What are your final wishes?
Where are your important documents like your will?
Do you have an advanced care directive, living will document, or does your substitute decision maker know what you would like for end of life care?
What would you like for your funeral or celebration of life arrangements?
What would you like to do with your body after you are gone?
What would you like to happen to your personal belongings?
More on advanced planning HERE.
Final days planning questions:
Is there anything you would like to do before you die?
Is there anything you would like to say to your loved ones?
Is there any unfinished business that you would like to take care of? (This may include things like writing a letter to someone they’ve fallen out of touch with, making a phone call, or settling an outstanding debt on their behalf.)
And big, personal and philosophical questions like:
What are your favorite memories?
What was life like growing up?
What are you most proud of?
Is there any advice that helped you through life?
What are your spiritual or religious beliefs?
Who was the love of your life? And how did you meet them?
Do you have any regrets? (This can be a powerful question that can help bring closure and peace of mind.)
What do you hope people remember most about you?
There are also some new services such as Storyworth, Storii, and AfterCloud that will help you capture stories and memories from loved ones through prompts.